I snacked on canapes which included salmon, little burgers, blood pudding and prosciutto. I downed Sydney Cider and a few sneak cocktails while participating in some of the events that evening. It was a very well organised event.
The activities included human bingo whereby you had to find someone who for example had eaten at Gelato Messina or who had the same shoe size as you. Cornersmith was also hosting a session whereby you could make preserved lemons. I tasted some of their tasty dips as well. The mustard was really nice.
There was also an opportunity to review some of your favourite places in Sydney at the chrome book table and also there was a massive map where you could post up your favourite places in Sydney. I went for a local in West Ryde in Tatsuya! Represent.
I'm looking forward to more City Experts events! Start reviewing Sydney!

I can't vouch for the cider but those are some damn fine beers.